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Election News from October 24, 2016

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Arrest warrant issued in the name of Renato Usatii

Center district Court issued an arrest warrant for 30 days in the name of Renato Usatii the leader of “Our Party” and mayor of Balti. The court also issued a international search warrant in his name. According to these warrants Usatii is to be detained for 30 days at Prison No. 13. Currently Renato Usatii is in Moscow, where he had a meeting yesterday with representatives of the Moldovan diaspora in the Russian Federation. “Our Party” presidential candidate, Dmitri Ciubasenco has issued a statement as a reaction to the aforementioned warrant. Ciubasenco stated that the lawers of Renato Usatii are certain that the arrest warrants on Usatii are politically motivated. // Agora

Moldovans studying in Romania could travel for free on the presidential e-day

Moldovan citizens studying in Romania could travel by train for free on October 30, in order to get to the polling stations opened in Romania. The Transport Ministry of Romania has proposed a draft resolution providing for a return journey to places where polling stations are open for the Moldovan presidential elections in the period of October 29–30. Polling stations for the Moldovan presidential elections have been opened in Bucharest, Iasi, Galati, Timisoara, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Bacau, Suceava and Craiova. // IPN

Andrei Nastase presented his final financial report to CEC

Andrei Nastase submitted to the Central Election Commission the final report on revenues and expenditures during his campaign prior to his withdrawal from the competition. Thus, compared to the report for the campaign’s first two weeks when PDA leader had zero incomes and expenses, this time the politician reported an income of 70 thousand lei. The money was donated by two known activists, the PDA deputy head Alexander Slusari and entrepreneur Aliona Mandatii. // Agora

Inna Popenco calls upon her voters from Orhei to boycott elections

Orhei city residents are urged not to go to the presidential elections on Sunday, October 30, 2016 this call being made by the ex-candidate of “Ravnopravie” movement (renamed SHOR Party), Inna Popenco. “My exclusion from the presidential competition is the result of current government’s fear of my popularity, because I would have taken the votes of Maia Sandu. No one punishes her even if in spite of legal provisions, she appears in pictures with foreign politicians and officials. I believe that in these circumstances the elections will not be legitimate and I do not understand why foreign embassies keep silence. I believe that they are in cahoots with the current government,” stated Inna Popenco in a press briefing. // IPN

More than 3 million ballots to be printed for the October 30 elections

A total of 3,132,427 ballots will be printed for the October 30 presidential election. According to the Central Electoral Commission decision, a quarter (about 750,000 copies) of all ballots will be in Russian and the remaining — in Romanian.

Ballots’ printing for the presidential election began on October 23 at the Central Typography, on Flowers’ street. According to CEC, the ballot will have a length of 30 cm. After the withdrawal of Andrei Nastase and exclusion of Inna Popenco there are 10 candidates remaining for the presidential election. // Radio Chisinau

Democratic Party supporters mobilize to support Marian Lupu

On October 23, 2016, more than 1500 party supporters from the capital and the suburbs gathered for the PDM’s Chisinau municipal organization Forum. The goal of the event was to mobilize supporters for the presidential election and show team unity and quality of the Democratic Party. Chair of the PDM Municipal Organization, Prime Minister Pavel Filip, urged his colleagues to rally by 30 October, and make use of the potential of PDM to support party’s candidate — Marian Lupu.