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Election News from November 8, 2016

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CEC clarifies voting procedures during the second round of the election

According to the CEC, the statements regarding the new place of residence submitted earlier to the relevant local government units will be valid also for the second round of the elections. In the same time, citizens that will not be present on e-day in the locality where they have domicile or residence may apply for a voting right certificate at their respective electoral precinct. This certificate is provided on request and based on an identity document. The voting right certificate allows voters to vote in any polling station in the country. Certificates issued for the first round are not valid for the second round of voting. Besides this, students and pupils with the right to vote who do not have domicile or residence in the locality where they study, will vote in the presidential election under the general rules, in other words they will vote at the polling station where they have their domicile or residence.

Veterans of the war with Transnistria and a group of reserve generals and officers urge voters to support Maia Sandu

At a press conference, a group of retired generals and officers of the Defense Ministry, Ministry of Interior and Information and Security Service, have released a statement expressing their support for the presidential candidate Maia Sandu.

Besides, the veterans of the transnistrian war urge voters not to vote for the Socialist Party presidential candidate Igor Dodon but to support the common pro-European candidate. // IPN

Blogger allegations about Party “Action and Solidarity” receiving donations from Ilan Sor

Monday evening, November 7, blogger Eugen Luchianiuc published excerpts from account reports showing that one of the persons close to Ilan Sor, Veaceaslav Galo, has transferred to the account of the Party “Action and Solidarity” 300 thousand lei in four increments of 70 thousand lei. Shortly after the appearance of these documents there was an official reaction from Maia Sandu and PAS. She said that the party has become the victim of a dirty game, and the money was transferred without the party knowing it, the ultimate goal being to denigrate her.

In the same time, in a video broadcast on Facebook, “Our Party” leader Renato Usatii said the so-called “donation” made by a close friend of Ilan Sor in favour of Maia Sandu campaign is a dirty trick staged by Plahotniuc.

PSRM rebukes “falsehoods” about Igor Dodon

PSRM representatives announced in a press conference that they produced a top 10 of manipulations operated by Maia Sandu. “It is false that Igor Dodon will withdraw Romanian citizenship for ordinary people, it is false that he will close borders and cancel the Association Agreement with the European Union, cancel the visa regime, cancel the right to work in the EU, worsen relations with Ukraine, that Plahotniuc’s TV stations are in favor of Dodon, or that he stirs up ethnic hatred, plans to ban transport of packages and cars from the EU. All these things are lies and forgeries,” said municipal councilor Ion Ceban. // Curentul