The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

Adopted on July, 29, 1994
Monitorul Oficial al R.Moldova No 1 of 18.08.1994
Title VI. Revising the Constitution
Article 141
Initiatives for Constitutional Revision
(1) A revision of the Constitution may be initiated by:
- a number of at least 200,000 voting citizens of the Republic of Moldova. The citizens initiating a revision of the Constitution must cover with the number of their listed residencies at least a half of the nation's second level administrative-territorial units, and in their turn each of those districts and municipalities must be represented by at least 20,000 registered signers in support of the said initiative;
- no less than a third of the members of Parliament;
- the Government.
(2) Constitutional law projects shall be submitted to Parliament on
condition that the Constitutional Court issues the appropriate recommendation
supported by at least 4 judges.
Article 142
Limits of Revision
(1) The provisions regarding the sovereignty, independence and unity of the state, as well as those regarding the permanent neutrality of the State may be revised only by referendum based on a majority vote of registered voting citizens.
(2) No revision shall be allowed if it is results in the suppression of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, or of the guarantees of those rights and freedoms.
(3) The Constitution may not be revised under a state of national emergency, martial law or war.
Article 143
The Law on Constitutional Revision
(1) Parliament has the right to pass a law for revising the Constitution after no less than 6 months from the date when the revising initiative was submitted. This law has to be passed on a two-thirds majority.
(2) If within one year from the date when the revising initiative was submitted Parliament has not passed the appropriate constitutional law, the initiative shall be considered null and void.
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