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Law of the Republic of Moldova on Public Associations

No 837 of 17.05.96
Monitorul Oficial al R.Moldova No 6/54 of 23.01.1997
Chapter III Rights, Duties and Terms of Activity of Public Associations
Article 26. Rights of the public association.
A public association has the right:
- to spread freely information about its activity;
- to found its own and to use in a specified manner state mass media;
- to implement publishing activity;
- to represent and protect legal interests of its members (participants) in state and public organs;
- to get from public power officials information necessary for the implementation of the Charter activity, with the exceptions regulated by the legislation in force;
- if necessary, to form from its funds local structural sections;
- to implement productive-economic activity as well as other types of entrepreneur activities, directed on the solution of Charter objectives and goals in accordance with the legislation in force;
- to participate in national and international competitions in order to get grants, scholarships, donations from the state and also from other states, national and international foundations, organizations and particular people;
- to make bilateral and multilateral agreements with natural and juridical people on scientific, technical, economical, financial and production collaboration, for proposing service for the realization of the main aims and goals;
- to make scientific - examining and project - constructional experiments, to run a public examination for important social projects and programs, to participate in combined commissions that study those projects if this kind of activities is mentioned in the Charter of the association.
- to have its own name and symbols;
- to fulfill in full powers granted to legal persons by Civil and Civil procedure Code of the Republic of Moldova and which do not contradict the legislation in force about public associations.
Article 27. Duties of public associations.
(1) A public association is obliged:
- to observe the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Moldova, norms of international law referring to the sphere of activity of public associations, as well as norms envisaged by its charter (provision, other acts) and other constituent documents;
- in case of the change of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova or finding out non-conformity of constituent papers with the legislation in force it can introduce the necessary amendments to constituent documents;
- to inform annually the registration instance about the continuation of its activity according to its Charter (provision, other act) with the indication of the real location of the governing body, its name, symbols and information about authority group of the association in the amount included into State register of public associations;
- to introduce to budget and non-budget funds taxes and other obligatory payments according to legislation in force.
(2) If new information is not presented to the State register of public associations for two years these public associations can be excluded from the State register of public associations, and this is the reason of forfeiting the status of the public association and of the legal person, specified by the present Law and on the basis of the court=s decision.
Article 28. Productive-economic and other entrepreneurial activity of public
(1) A public association can carry out its productive-economic and other entrepreneur activity exclusively for the realization of objectives and goals specified in its Charter.
(2) A public association has the right to found enterprises and economic organizations, having the right of the legal person, as well as acquire property complexes, intended for the carrying out scientific, technical, pedagogical, cultural, sports, entrepreneur and other activity allowed by the legislation. Public associations of invalids have the right to establish specialized enterprises in order to employ the labor force of invalids in accordance with the Law on social protection of invalids.
(3) Enterprises of the public association function according to the Law "About
entrepreneur activity and enterprises" and in accordance with the Charters of the public associations.
(4) The income obtained from productive-economic and other entrepreneur activity of public associations cannot be redistributed between the members(participants) of these associations and are used exclusively for implementation of goals and objectives specified by the Charter of the public association. It is allowed to use income for charitable goals, even if it is not mentioned in the Charter of the public association.
(5) Enterprises and other economic organizations of public associations introduce payments to the budget in the order and amount specified by the legislation in force.
(6) Public associations and their juridical representatives for productive- economical and other entrepreneur activities are obliged to get licenses for certain kind of activities that require one.
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