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Law of the Republic of Moldova on Public Associations

No 837 of 17.05.96
Monitorul Oficial al R.Moldova No 6/54 of 23.01.1997

Chapter V
Certification of Public Associations

Article 34. The concept of certification of public associations.

(1) According to the present Law the certification of public associations is the procedure of checking and proving the public utility and non - profit characteristics of their activity, as well the neutrality of the association, as well as of their legal entity in supporting political parties, social-political organization, electoral blocs and independent candidates during the elections of state power bodies. The goal of the certification - the state - support for public associations in their activities.

(2) The certification has to be run not any earlier than six months after the registration of the public association based on the analysis of all documents, association`s activity and the report of the State Tax Inspection.

Article 35. The Certification Commission.

(1) The Certification Commission contains 9 members and is named by the President of the Republic of Moldova ( 3 people ), the Parliament ( 3 people ), and the Government ( 3 people ). At least one of each three presented should represent a public association and at the same time not be a state employee.

(2) The Certification Commission is created under the Ministry of Justice, for a period of five years and acts based on the present Law and the regulation adopted by the Ministry of Justice.

(3) The president of the Certification Commission is elected from its members.

(4) The Certification Commission has the following powers:

  1. makes the certification for republican, local and international public associations that are registered and act on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, by studying their activity;
  2. receives and examines petitions of respective competence from natural and juridical people;
  3. gives state certificates or rejects the applications for such certificates.

Article 36. The state certificate.

(1) The state certificate, given by the Certification Commission, is an official document proving the non - profit and public - utility characteristics of the activity of the public association and its neutrality during any political preelection campaigns. The form of the state certificate is adopted by the Government.

(2) The state certificate is given for a period of three years.

(3) The state - certificate is a reason for a full or a partial relieve of the public association from paying certain kinds of taxes and fees, and also for according special benefits due to the present Law and other legislating acts.

(4) The public association that does not have the state certificate is not getting any fiscal benefits.

Article 37. Discussions over the Certification Commission's decision.

The negative decision of the Certification Commission about the certification of a public association can be sued in the court on the initiative of the public association in the period of three months after the decision has been made.


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The Constitution of the RM

Electoral Code

Law on Public Associations

Law on Foundations

Law on Political Parties


Results of the first round of elections in Gagauzia
The first round of elections to the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia ended on September 9, 2012 with the election of 13 out of 35 deputies. Representatives of the three main political parties from the region were satisfied both with their results and with the way the campaign developed »»»

/Igor Botan, September 13, 2012/

Illegal visas to maintain legality
At its sitting of April 8, 2009, immediately after the verbal instruction of the outgoing Moldovan President was made public, the Government adopted Decision no. 269 on imposing visa regime with Romania »»»

/Sergiu Grosu, 15 April 2009/


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