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Leadership School for Young Political Leaders

List of participants in the Leadership School for Young Political Leaders, 9th cycle 2009-2010
- Balan Antonina, PLDM
- Balan Dumitrita, PLDM
- Bartas Timur, "Ravnopravie"
- Blajen Alina, AMN
- Bodrug Marin, MAE
- Botnari Veaceslav, politically non-affiliated
- Brinza Cristina, politically non-affiliated
- Bulat Sergiu, politically non-affiliated
- Carpovici Ana, PDM
- Chironda Victor, PL
- Ciorba Valeriu, politically non-affiliated
- Ciudin Alexandru, politically non-affiliated
- Cojocari Evghenii, "Patria-Rodina"
- Cuharenco Nicolai, PCRM
- Dogot Corina, PEMAVE
- Furdui Alexandru, AMN
- Furtuna Ana, politically non-affiliated
- Gherghelejiu Serghei, politically non-affiliated
- Godoroja Alexandru, politically non-affiliated
- Gurduza Sergiu, PLDM
- Gusan Artiom, PDM
- Mihaes Vasile, PCRM
- Mihailuta Marcela, PL
- Molceanu Dumitru, politically non-affiliated
- Movileanu Inga, politically non-affiliated
- Munteanu Natalia, politically non-affiliated
- Musteata Alexandru, politically non-affiliated
- Paladi Nicolae, PCRM
- Pascal Dumitru, PEMAVE
- Pirlog Alexandru, PPCD
- Plesca Vianor, politically non-affiliated
- Popov Stefan, politically non-affiliated
- Robu Alexandrina, AMN
- Rusu Vadim, PL
- Stefciuc Ana, PDM
- Tentiuc Grigore, PPCD
- Tulba Dumitru, PL
- Ungureanu Sergiu, AMN
- Vieru Vadim, politically non-affiliated
- Zurabisvili Irma, politically non-affiliated
The concept of the "School of Political Leadership", also previously named "Electoral school", has been launched in 1999. Since then, the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT has developed and extended the scope of the school from a commonly electoral one to a more substantive and extensive entity, that is reflected in the program name "Leadership School for Young Political Leaders" (LSYPL/ Romanian abbreviation "STLP").
By organizing the LSYPL, ADEPT aims at making its own contribution to strengthening the political parties in the Republic of Moldova by means of a continuous enhancement of forming and training young political leaders and by promoting the democratic values which form the basis of a multi-party system. Another important objective is to bring harmony between interests of the young wings’ representatives of Moldovan political parties, to promote compromise and mutual tolerance as the only viable ways for overcoming conflict situations between the parties.
The LSYPL works with representatives of youth wings of Moldovan political parties and social-political movements, as well as with other interested young people showing true civic commitments and views.
Each year, the LSYPL program consists of a cycle of weekly courses. Each course consists of two sessions. While the first session tackles theoretical subjects, the second is exclusively devoted to training communication skills and abilities to assess the political and socio-economic context in the Republic of Moldova, complemented by political analysis.
The LSYPL mainly explores such subjects as: the political party system, contemporary political doctrines, electoral systems, the evolution of electoral institution, political marketing, political leadership, the art of management, political communication, the quality of governance and of the decision-making process etc. During the last school sessions the curriculum has been completed with new subjects of current interest for Moldova, such as: the European integration process of the Republic of Moldova, general data on the European Union etc.
Each cycle ends with a summer school, aiming at creating a specific and favorable frame for applying the knowledge and abilities gained in the LSYPL, as well as for practicing the theory and practice in real-life scenarios of election campaigns. Both learning the specifics, structure and rules of an election campaign, the behavior models at various stages of such a campaign, and realizing the importance of choosing the right means and resources for reaching electoral success constitute a first step in the training process of young political leaders for their future involvement in their parties’ election campaigns.
The teaching staff of the LSYPL consists of: civil servants, researchers and scientists, political and economic analysts, opinion leaders from the Republic of Moldova, as well as foreign guest lecturers.
So far, 300 students have been trained during the first eight cycles of the Leadership School for Young Political Leaders, among them: representatives of 11 political parties and several universities from the Republic of Moldova. Many of them have registered impressive results, having high positions within their respective parties, as well as in public institutions. Moreover, the school graduates have worked on common projects and initiatives.
