Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

Political analyses and commentaries on “Public economy” topic

Reflections on the budget for 2011
Iurie Gotisan, March 15, 2011
We can already see that the approval of the state budget for 2011, even at this stage, i.e. by the government, is a welcome gesture as such. Being primarily a political document and than a economic one, the budget projection understandably provoked disputes not only between government and the opposition, but also between parties in AIE[]
Evolutions and stratagems on real estate market
Iurie Gotisan, May 16, 2008
The latest evolution of the real estate market and high prices of apartments and houses in Moldova make those willing to buy housing thinking. Prices of apartments (in particular in the capital) have grown very much in the last seven years[]
Moldova 2008: the new — old challenges for the economy
Galina Selari, January 31, 2008
The new year of 2008 traditionally began with summing up of the results for the previous year. We have to note that 2007 saw completion of both the first cycle of implementation of the “new economic policy” (Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy for 2004–2006 and the Moldova-EU Action Plan for 2005–2007) and preparation and approval of the National Development Strategy for 2008–2011[]
Political consensus vs. competitiveness of public policies
Iurie Gotisan, September 30, 2007
I have recently attended an International Conference organised by the Independent Analytical Centre Expert-Grup in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, which focussed on the National Development Plan (NDP)[]
Reflections on draft budget law for 2008
Iurie Gotisan, September 19, 2007
The draft budget law for 2008 may be commented from two viewpoints or on two directions in terms of quantity and quality, if saying this way[]
Salaries correlate with productivity, too
Iurie Gotisan, July 3, 2007
The Government has plans to increase three-fold the salaries of budgetary workers by 2009, while the minimum monthly pay is expected to grow up to 400 lei; official statistics reveal that the things go in the right direction regarding the monthly advance of medium wage on economy[]
Strong leu, great leu or new heights for the dollar?!
Iurie Gotisan, May 15, 2007
Beyond various figures advanced by economists, bankers or analysts of financial market in their commentaries on exchange rates, two words revealing a convergence of opinions are often found[]
Fiscal revolution: for or against?
Iurie Gotisan, April 1, 2007
The Government has recently examined the draft tax policy of Moldova for 2008–2010, in which several scenarios of policies have been evaluated, including very bold ones on reduction of taxes[]
About salaries and productivity
Iurie Gotisan, March 18, 2007
Speaking about the preliminary macroeconomic forecasts for the next three years, the Government has recently promised that the medium monthly nominal salary on economy will grow 1.6-fold in 2008–2010, up to 3,250 lei in 2010[]
Heating, the dearest electoral agent
Iurie Gotisan, February 16, 2007
The introduction of reference prices for the heating supplied to population in the centralised system increased approximately 2.4-fold the price of a gigacalory starting January 1, 2007. Of course, a rise of heating tariffs was expectable after the natural gas prices have grown[]
“Happy” accident and foreign financing
Iurie Gotisan, January 31, 2007
The National Bureau for Statistics (NBS) released last week updated data on economic growth for 2005. According to NBS, a 7.5-percent growth was registered in 2005, which is by 0.4 percentage points more than officially announced (7.1 percent) in March 2006[]
Dilemma of economic growth
Iurie Gotisan, December 30, 2006
I have indicated in the precedent issue of our publication the growth of GDP in January-September 2006 and benefits “harvested” by common people from this rise. With permission of our readers, I will develop the same topic in this article[]
GDP is on the rise, but citizen does not feel it much?!
Iurie Gotisan, December 15, 2006
The GDP has grown!!! Official statistics have released a communication showing that the “character” called GDP, which was capable to ensure Moldovans with many things that they wanted, rose by 4.6% in January-September[]
Gagauzia: The Region of Development
Galina Selari, November 15, 2006
At the beginning of September the Government examined and established the “tasks” concerning one of the most discussed issues of its Programme — “the two magical threes”: 300 thou new labour places and the country average wage of 300 USD[]
Liberalisation of economy: between myth and reality
Iurie Gotisan, September 30, 2006
The new minister of economy has told the investiture ceremony that the basic principle of his activity will be to implement the existing strategy and to continue the liberalisation of economy[]
“Independence” of Moldovan economy
Iurie Gotisan, August 31, 2006
We should note from the very beginning that the economic independence of Moldova is still far from being real, even after 15 years of political independence. It is important to assess the initial conditions of economic reforms in order to paint a more detailed and ampler picture of the current economic deficiencies of Moldova[]
Therapy of International Monetary Fund
Iurie Gotisan, May 15, 2006
We will try to make a short incursion in the history of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from the very beginning and we think that this would be useful to our readers[]
External deficits vs. deficit of economic stability
Iurie Gotisan, April 28, 2006
Everybody knows that the Moldovan economy is incapable to fight face to face with European economies. The trade deficit and current account deficit grow in a galloping pace every year, with analysts saying that this rise will continue the next years as well[]
Hedgehopping of Moldovan economy
Anatoli Gudim, Galina Selari, February 14, 2006
While adapting to the “independence” and the market, already has been six years in a row (2000–2005) when Moldovan economy started show signs of growth, but neither government, nor business or population have any confidence in its sustainability[]
Syntheses of 2005 and major financial uncertainties of 2006
Ion Basiul, January 15, 2006
Year 2005 was one of the most difficult and provocative years. It began with the signing of the Moldova-European Union Action Plan[]
Economic growth of conjuncture
Iurie Gotisan, November 7, 2005
President Voronin has recently attended an ordinary cabinet sitting and bitterly criticized the executive, indicating in particular the low quality of economic growth, lack of initiative and poor execution discipline[]
GDP is on the rise despite unfavorable circumstances
Iurie Gotisan, September 26, 2005
Despite some negative circumstances, GDP is on the rise[]
Real estate market in a deadlock
Iurie Gotisan, September 12, 2005
Real estate market seems to be stymied by the skyrocketed prices as well as some psychological factors[]
Unemployment: a curse of transition
Valeriu Prohnitchi, August 30, 2005
According to statistics data youth ranging 15–29 is the most affected by poverty[]
Foreseeing for inflation: optimism of authorities will “face” the bitter reality
Iurie Gotisan, July 11, 2005
Internal and external dangers threaten the 10-percent annual inflation rate[]
Macroeconomic evolutions. Tendencies for future
Iurie Gotisan, June 19, 2005
Statistics on macroeconomic evolutions in the first quarter of 2005 followed the general expectations for the year[]
Chisinau’s economic dependence on Moscow
Iurie Gotisan, May 1, 2005
Moldova morphed into a subject of Russia’s economic policy, and this because it lacks an active stance in negotiations[]
Foreign deficits, inflation, exchange rate…
Iurie Gotisan, March 6, 2005
Fitch Ratings warns that the economic and political situation in Moldova remains “very difficult” amidst growth of foreign debt, high domestic inflation and strong exchange rate[]
Economic retrospectives & perspectives
Iurie Gotisan, January 16, 2005
Economic growth, which according to the preliminary data might reach 7%, made this year quite special, fact acknowledged by economy-watchers, even the most sceptical ones[]
Indebtedness threatens the stability of domestic economy
Iurie Gotisan, September 26, 2004
Arrears increasingly impinge on economic system which in the end may destabilize still fragile economy. Arrears account for 30% of the GDP, and this despite its growth in the recent years and write-off of “historic” debts especially to state-owned enterprises via Prime-Minister decrees[]
Economic growth does not connote higher human development
Ana Sirbu, September 20, 2004
Evolution of the Human Development Index for Moldova does not follow the economic and social policy objectives of the country[]
Chain reaction triggered by skyrocketed prices on fuel
Iurie Gotisan, September 8, 2004
Skyrocketed prices on fuel shall in the long run affect all the businesses where transportation accounts for the great part of the final cost, as well as those where oil is used as a raw material[]
Energetic dependence
Iurie Gotisan, August 29, 2004
For a while now the energetic sector that is of vital importance for the economy has become a battle field where political and economic interest collide. On the one hand, there is a struggle between domestic players in the field, and on the other there is an increasing pressure from several Russian companies seeking to extend their spheres of economic influence in Moldova[]
Challenges faced by the National Bank
Iurie Gotisan, June 27, 2004
Undoubtedly, one may find Moldova’s macroeconomic achievements (given the economic growth registered in the last three years) acceptable, as banking sector managed to steer away from a system crisis despite the difficulties it faced[]
Employment is the Key Issue
Galina Selari, June 13, 2004
The economic growth, its quality, rate, parents and sustainability is one of the vexed question today. And it is widely discussed by politicians, economists and journalists. The issues of export-import, migrants' remittances and others are put on the discussion[]
Despite the constant economic growth, people think they are poorer
Iurie Gotisan, May 30, 2004
On May 19 Government approved PRSP, a document including social economic policies to be implemented over 2004–2006 to ensure sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty. In the eyes of many Republic of Moldova is the poorest country in Europe[]
EU enlargement: lessons for the Republic of Moldova
Iurie Gotisan, May 5, 2004
As of May 1, ten new countries that had successfully passed the “admission test” joined EU and became full-rights members. It wouldn’t be long until Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Malta, Cyprus and Slovakia would enjoy the benefits of the marriage between East and West planned ahead a decade ago[]
Crisis aftermath
Iurie Gotisan, March 28, 2004
The recent developments in the drought crisis make a price hike on bread quite inevitable. Definitely the skyrocketed prices would be presented as a phenomena affecting each one of us. Moreover, when it comes to food any slight increase in prices affects directly vulnerable strata especially the elderly[]
Discord among authorities and domestic producers
Iurie Gotisan, February 22, 2004
For domestic producers “Produced in Moldova” exhibition opened on February 10 was a good opportunity to complain about deficient laws, high taxes, tight competition with foreign importers, and not less important bureaucracy; rather than show off their products, the great majority of which have been presented earlier anyway[]
2003 economic overview
Iurie Gotisan, January 25, 2004
In an interview to a TV channel at the end of 2003, Prime-Minister firmly stated that it was under the incumbent governing that GDP registered a steady growth three years in a row[]
2003: we managed to hold out, but failed to break through
Anatoli Gudim, January 16, 2004
The Government thinks “2003 will go down in history as a year of new achievements in socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova” (V. Tarlev’s speech in the Parliament, 26.12.2003). But Fitch Ratings, an international agency that the Government respects (London/New York), evaluated, nonetheless, 2003 as "another disappointing year for Moldova[]
Reflections on the state budget for year 2004
Iurie Gotisan, November 30, 2003
The state budget, approved in the third and final reading by the Parliament was declared to be aimed at enforcing the Government work plan, in reality it has proven Government’s incapacity to translate Communist Party ideological message and political options into a clear budgetary policy[]
Domestic Implications of the Economic Policy in the Foreign Sector of Moldovan Economy
Iurie Gotisan, November 16, 2003
Recently National Bank of the Republic of Moldova released some figures, in fact rather surprising ones, on the growing trade deficit that has reached 400 million USD in the last nine months as compared to only 240 million in the same period last year[]
Economic reflections on corruption
Valeriu Prohnitchi, November 2, 2003
The release of the Corruption Perception Index 2003 by Transparency International is a good opportunity to talk about corruption. According to the report findings, corruption has reached exorbitant levels in Moldova[]
Social orientation — no strategy yet
Stefan Zgama, April 6, 2003
Since the beginning of 2003 two additional factors have drawn increased attention to social issues, which the Government has constantly declared as its priority. Firstly, elaboration of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (for which the country wishes to receive World Bank and IMF credits). Secondly, necessity of a “bigger care for people” on the eve of local elections[]
Financial challenges lying ahead of Moldova in 2003
Adrian Dumitriu, March 23, 2003
It is probably due to the fact that ruling party’s electoral program has been declared as socially oriented, that different Ministries and Departments have engaged in a competition of producing socially oriented drafts[]
Economy: events & commentaries
Anatoli Gudim, March 9, 2003
In the last couple of weeks economic issues were the major concern of the country leadership, representatives of international monetary organizations, and economic media outlets. Judging from a multiple perspective, one may conclude that there are major risks at stake as far as economy is concerned, but there are opportunities as well[]
Economy overview
Anatoli Gudim, February 16, 2003
Republic of Moldova has registered a steady GDP growth in the last three years (7.2% in 2002, and a total of 16.4% throughout 2000–2002); an industrial growth of 10.6%, and a 3% growth in agriculture in the last year[]