Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

The consequences of failed referendum

Igor Botan / September 20, 2010

Following the failure of the constitutional referendum one can find that the positive consequences balance those negative ones. The following should be mentioned among the negative things:

The following could be mentioned among the positive things resulting from the failed referendum:

Finally, the involvement after early parliamentary elections in a serious process of modernization of Moldovan Constitution, the country’s transformation into a genuine parliamentary republic, would be of great use. Participation and consent of the European partners and international democratic institutions, so that this process would bring Moldova closer to EU and would hold back the adventurous impulses to “touch” the Constitution in order to solve some current political problems, would secure an exemplary pro-European roadmap for our country.

Reasons for failure of the referendum Lessons of the constitutional referendum held on September 5, 2010. Post-referendum analysis