ADEPT | Gagauzia 2016 | Presidential 2016 | Elections 2015 | Bashkan 2015 | Gagauzia 2012 | Political Parties
Socialist Party candidate for the position of President, Igor Dodon, is the main promoter of Eurasian integration. His electoral platform includes the following messages and priorities:
Restoring the strategic partnership with Russia. Initiation of negotiations on the Friendship Strategic Partnership Agreement with Russian Federation, restoring economic cooperation. Proposed goal — full opening of the Russian market for Moldovan wines and lifting of all bans.
Early parliamentary elections. Launch consultations with other political parties and civic organizations on triggering early parliamentary elections.
Start actions to reunify the country. Reach a compromise with Tiraspol administration on the political project for Transnistrian conflict settlement.
Prohibition of Unionism. Initiate the signing of the Basic Treaty with Romania. Fighting unionist, anti-state activity by addressing directives to the Security and Intelligence Service (SIS) and to the Prosecutor’s Office.
Reviving the country. Reforming the Security Supreme Council and President’s Office in order to bring patriots and professionals in these structures. Developing and implementing a “Developed economy and social justice” program which would aim to create jobs, increase salaries and pensions.
Strengthening Moldovan state and identity. Criminalize the promotion of Moldovan state liquidation. Change the Education Code so that students study the history of Moldova.
Strengthening Moldova’s neutrality. Obtain international guarantees for Moldova’s neutrality. NATO soldiers will not march on our streets. Development of a new National Security and Defense Strategy.
Making education a state priority. Launch the National Education Development Programme. Those who graduate school should be able to choose between baccalaureate and graduation exam. The program will provide for a gradual transition to completely free state education. Teachers must obtain the status of civil servants with all social guarantees included.
Ensuring accessibility to quality health services. The price of the health insurance must be reduced and possible to be paid in installments. The list of services offered under the health insurance should be extended. Passing an initiative on compulsory annual health check for all citizens covered by public budget. Providing free drugs and dental care for disadvantaged populations. Physicians must obtain the status of civil servants.
Ensuring social protection for everyone. Pensions should be increased twice a year and should substantially exceed the subsistence minimum. Will be proposed to limit trade margins on basic necessity goods. Initiate a national program to support young families — “maternal capital”.
Combating corruption. Checking the integrity of judges, prosecutors and other officials. A true professional, not involved in corruption will be designated as Prosecutor General. Identifying and punishing those guilty of the “theft of the century”.
Protecting the interests of over 700 thousands Moldovans who work in Russia. Overcoming the difficulties faced due to anti-Russian attitudes and propaganda promoted by the current regime in Moldova.
Protecting orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is the spiritual foundation of our statehood and identity. Strengthening the partnership with the Orthodox Church in matters regarding social crisis, promoting public morality, spiritual education and preservation of cultural heritage. Preventing authorities’ pressure on Church and insulting religious feelings of believers.
Consulting citizens by referendum in all important matters.
2016 [6] 2015 2014 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
Elections [107] Foreign policy / European integration Political parties Transnistria Governmental policies Government — opposition relations Civil society / NGO Justice and legal bodies
Election of the President of the Republic of Moldova, October 30 and November 13, 2016
Igor Dodon
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova