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 Local Elections of June 5, 2011Political parties of the Republic of Moldova
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Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs analyse public policies and deliver recommendations on how to improve them.

Policy Brief No. 10 [421Kb] – Mortgage lending – a solution for constructions’ sector’s recovery. A look into the European and international practices
Adrian Lupusor, March 31, 2010

The policy brief analyses the experience of the countries in the region in relaunching the constructions sector and the European practices of stimulating mortgage lending which could be adapted to the current situation in Moldova.

Policy Brief No. 9 [443Kb] – Direct inflation targeting strategy: experience of EU member states and perspectives for the Republic of Moldova
Ana Popa, February 26, 2010

An analysis of the opportunity for adopting and implementing the direct inflation targeting strategy by the National Bank of Moldova, supported by example of the EU member states which are already applying this strategy.

Policy Brief No. 8 [250Kb] – The trade with the European Union: progress during crisis?
Alex Oprunenco, December 30, 2009

A retrospective analysis of the trade between Moldova and the European Union in 2009 that also points out the factors to influence the development of the EU-Moldova commercial relations in 2010.

Русская версия [674Kb]

Policy Brief No. 7 [1.0Mb] – The future Moldova-EU legal framework: Moldova – an associated country of the European Union
Oleg Cristal, October 29, 2009

An analysis of the current legal framework on the Moldova-EU relations, that identifies the issues emerging during the implementation of a series of bilateral documents. Also, the possible content of the future agreements between Moldova and the European Union is examined and recommendations to facilitate the negotiations on these agreements are provided.

Русская версия [786Kb]

Policy Brief No. 6 [437Kb] – The dilemmas of Moldovan economy attractiveness in the context of Moldova’s European integration
Victoria Vasilescu, October 22, 2009

An analysis that identifies the main dilemmas faced by Moldovan economy in the current economic crisis and comes up with policy recommendations designed to increase the attractiveness of Moldovan economy from a European integration perspective.

Русская версия [814Kb]

Policy Brief No. 5 [305Kb] – The policy of birth rate stimulation in the Republic of Moldova: realities and risks
Iulia Sirghi, April 2, 2009

An analysis of the current demographic situation in the Republic of Moldova, reveals the risks of the birth rate stimulation policy provided by authorities, and comes up with recommendations for increasing this policy efficiency.

Русская версия [547Kb]

Policy Brief No. 4 [152Kb] – The new draft law on electricity in the context of the EU-Moldova Action Plan implementation
Ion Preasca, March 2, 2009

An overview of the new draft law on electricity, reveals certain contradictory provision of the document and recommends some solutions to remedy them.

Русская версия [263Kb]

Policy Brief No. 3 [139Kb] – Republic of Moldova and russian gas. Love to death?
Maxim Kuzovlev, February 27, 2009

An overview of the Moldova’s energy security in the context on the Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis of January 2009. In particular, the policy brief examines how the gas price is set, discloses the role of "Moldovagaz" company and of the transnistrian region’s debt for Russian gas in Moldova’s energy dependence on Russia and offers some recommendations for its reduction.

Русская версия [225Kb]

Policy Brief No. 2 [70Kb] – Procedural and institutional framework of regional development in the context of the EU-Moldova Action Plan implementation
Ion Osoian, May 29, 2008

An analysis of the developing procedural and institutional framework of regional development in Moldova, disclosing some shortcomings capable of undermining the regional development process and offers recommendations to overcome them.

Русская версия [245Kb]

Policy Brief No. 1 [53Kb] – Communication Strategy on the European Integration of the Republic of Moldova
Sergiu Buscaneanu, February 29, 2008

An overview on the CSEIRM, reveals certain shortcomings of the document and recommends some solutions to remedy them.

Русская версия [236Kb]


Results of the first round of elections in Gagauzia
The first round of elections to the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia ended on September 9, 2012 with the election of 13 out of 35 deputies. Representatives of the three main political parties from the region were satisfied both with their results and with the way the campaign developed »»»

/Igor Botan, September 13, 2012/

Illegal visas to maintain legality
At its sitting of April 8, 2009, immediately after the verbal instruction of the outgoing Moldovan President was made public, the Government adopted Decision no. 269 on imposing visa regime with Romania »»»

/Sergiu Grosu, 15 April 2009/


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