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 Local Elections of June 5, 2011Political parties of the Republic of Moldova
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Evolution of the multi-party system on the territory of the Republic of Moldova

Publication "Evolution of the multi-party system on the territory of the Republic of Moldova" is aimed to fill a gap existing in the literature on history of political parties in Moldova, and also to contribute to the development of the political culture in Moldova. The book is structured in five chapters and provides insights into the history of electoral and party systems in Moldova since the XIX century. In particular, it is retrospectively analyzed the evolution of the electoral and party systems in Bessarabia during the XIX-XX centuries, and described the main stages in the creation and development of political parties in Moldova after independence in 1991 »»»

Efficiency of anti-corruption policies and actions in the framework of the EU-Moldova Action Plan

The study assesses the state of things in the anti-corruption fight before signing the EU-Moldova Action Plan and during its enforcement, ascertains accomplishments and shortcomings in implementing the anti-corruption goal of the Action Plan, analyses systemic problems which halt the honouring of international commitments assumed by the Republic of Moldova »»»

Electoral Context 2009

The study comes to provide a concise synthesis of electoral developments in 2009, underlining the issues which gave birth to conflicts and destabilised the political situation in the Republic of Moldova. The authors make an analysis of the legislation on elections, political parties and media, identifying related faults and shortcomings in their enforcement »»»

Governance Priorities 2009

The research collection includes 12 studies on economic, social, rule of law and human rights matters developed by 14 independent experts and coordinated by the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT. The studies included into this collection provide a retrospective analysis of these areas during the period 2001–2008; point out existing problems and recommend solutions to overcome them and optimise the policy concerned »»»

Transnistrian settlement: a European solution

The policy paper "Transnistrian settlement: a European solution" provides an in-depth description of key developments related to the Transnistrian settlement process. The conclusions and recommendations reveal the causes of this conflict "frozen" for 17 years and the author’s vision on conflict resolution that must be "European" »»»

Judicial reform in the framework of the EU-Moldova Action Plan implementation

The policy paper "Judicial reform in the framework of the EU-Moldova Action Plan implementation" presents an analysis of problems and challenges faced by the Moldovan judicial system. It points out the blind spots of the judicial reform and provides solutions aimed at building up an independent judiciary »»»

Governing and Democracy

The biannual analytical and synthesis review "Governing and Democracy" is a new product of the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT launched in 2008 and targeted to the general public, policy-makers, stakeholders, international organisations, NGOs etc. The review is aimed to enhance the government transparency and information on major social-political developments in the Republic of Moldova »»»

Evolution of media freedoms in the framework of the EU-Moldova Action Plan implementation

Study covers the key events from the period 2005–2008 related to media freedom, considers regulations, developments and problems in the broadcasting field, printed media and access to information. The conclusions reveal the defaults of Moldova in the area concerned, make recommendations and propose actions to redress the situation »»»

Moldova and EU in the framework of European Neighbourhood Policy. Implementation of the EU-Moldova Action Plan (February 2005 – January 2008)

Publication reveals the main developments within the European Neighbourhood Policy and their implications on the Republic of Moldova; gives a synthesis on monitoring of the EU-Moldova Action Plan implementation process in February 2005 – January 2008 period; and attempts to anticipate prospects of the EU-Moldova relations in the short term »»»

Evolutions, trends and forecasts on labour market of the Republic of Moldova in adjusting it to E.U. standards

The booklet aims to make a concise analysis of demographic developments and updated indicators of Moldovan labour market and present or future trends and implications of these evolutions for the European integration perspective and development of a consolidated market economy »»»

How far is the European Neighbourhood Policy a substantial offer for Moldova?

Sergiu Buscaneanu
The present paper aims to contribute to the debate on the extent to which the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) is a substantial offer for Moldova or whether the ENP can be rather seen as a "Potemkin village". For this purpose, the main part of the paper proceeds in three moves

Elections 2005

Elections 2005 "Elections 2005" provides an overview of the 2005 parliamentary and presidential elections »»»

Republic of Moldova. Pre-election technical assessment: Findings and Recommendations

Republic of Moldova. Pre-election technical assessment: Findings and Recommendations "Republic of Moldova. Pre-election technical assessment: Findings and Recommendations" report produced by Association ADEPT and IFES in May 2005 with the financial support of SOROS Foundation aims at providing an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the electoral process and recommending specific areas where support could be useful both before and after the elections. To conduct this analysis, an international team of experts from both ADEPT and IFES collected information and insights from public officials, members of the legislature, election officials, political party representatives, media representatives, civic groups, and international donor organizations working in Moldova. »»»

Transition: retrospectives and perspectives

Transition: retrospectives and perspectives The book "Transition: retrospectives and perspectives" includes a series of descriptive-analytical studies on issues of major importance for the Republic of Moldova combining the retrospective, current, and prospective approaches. The publication offers the opportunity to examine the transition process in Moldova through the eyes of independent and politically non-affiliated experts. It is addressed principally to members of youth branches of political parties. The book was published with the support of the Royal Netherlands Embassy within the project "Strengthening youth branches of political parties". We provide here a brief summary of the chapters of the book. All those interested could get a copy of the book by telephoning or writing to ADEPT. »»»

Parties. Elections. Compromise.

Parties. Elections. Compromise. As part of the Leadership Training for Young Activists of Political Parties project, funded by Westminster Foundation for Democracy, ADEPT produced the brochure "Parties. Elections. Compromise". The brochure is a collection of topics and case studies examined during the Summer School "Art of Compromise" organized for young party activists representing 10 political parties of the Republic of Moldova. »»»

Leadership Handbook

Leadership Handbook As part of the Leadership Training for Young Activists of Political Parties project, funded by Westminster Foundation for Democracy, ADEPT produced the Leadership Handbook. The handbook outlines the major topic to be studied by the young party activists during the Leadership School sessions. »»»


Results of the first round of elections in Gagauzia
The first round of elections to the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia ended on September 9, 2012 with the election of 13 out of 35 deputies. Representatives of the three main political parties from the region were satisfied both with their results and with the way the campaign developed »»»

/Igor Botan, September 13, 2012/

Illegal visas to maintain legality
At its sitting of April 8, 2009, immediately after the verbal instruction of the outgoing Moldovan President was made public, the Government adopted Decision no. 269 on imposing visa regime with Romania »»»

/Sergiu Grosu, 15 April 2009/


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