Prezidenţiale 2020 | ADEPT | Chişinău 2018 | Găgăuzia 2016 | Prezidenţiale 2016 | Locale 2015 | |
Noi, Partidul Popular European, Partdiodul Social European si Alianţa Liberalilor şi Democraţilor Europeni, susţinem o coaliţie formata din cele trei partide: PLDM, PD şi PL, şi considerăm ca atingerea compromisului pentru formarea coaliţiei de guvernare poatea avea loc în urmatoarea formula:
We, as representatives of the three European political families: EPP, PES and ALDE support a coalition between PLDM, PD and PL, and consider that a compromise in order to form a governing coalition could be reached within the next formula:
The three parties form a Commission which will make a proposal within three months how to proceed with the Presidential issue.
The Liberal Democrats will nominate the Prime Minister, the Democratic Party the President of the Parliament and the Liberals will receive the same ministries they held when they left the government.
The Prosecutor General will go to a non-political figure, nominated in consultation with the European Commission, which will send a signal to Brussels that the new Moldovan Government is ready to start the overdue reform process. This could lead to an EU-Just Mission.
Serviciul de presă al PL