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Socioeconomic Commentaries

Dilemma of economic growth
Iurie Gotisan, 30 December 2006
I have indicated in the precedent issue of our publication the growth of GDP in January-September 2006 and benefits "harvested" by common people from this rise. With permission of our readers, I will develop the same topic in this article
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GDP is on the rise, but citizen does not feel it much!!!???
Iurie Gotisan, 15 December 2006
The GDP has grown!!! Official statistics have released a communication showing that the "character" called GDP, which was capable to ensure Moldovans with many things that they wanted, rose by 4.6% in January-September
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Leu - "holy column" of economy
Iurie Gotisan, 1 December 2006
The Moldovan leu turned 13 on November 29. It is not a very long period, but also not too short and the central bank has managed to prevent a system crisis by playing the role of a guardian that ensures the stability of the "holy column" of economy - the "strong leu" - in spite of all difficulties
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Gagauzia: The Region of Development
Galina Selari, 15 November 2006
At the beginning of September the Government examined and established the "tasks" concerning one of the most discussed issues of its Programme - "the two magical threes": 300 thou new labour places and the country average wage of 300 USD
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State budget for 2007
Iurie Gotisan, 31 October 2006
The draft law proposed by Government is built on a 4% growth of GDP, up to 46.6 billion lei or 3.5 billion dollars, a 10.5% inflation rate, an exchange rate of 14.1 lei per dollar and a 15% rise of exports and a 12% advance of imports
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Liberalisation of economy: between myth and reality
Iurie Gotisan, 30 September 2006
The new minister of economy has told the investiture ceremony that the basic principle of his activity will be to implement the existing strategy and to continue the liberalisation of economy
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Inflation growth adjusted to statistics
Iurie Gotisan, 15 September 2006
The Moldovan inflation reveals rather a clear season nature manifested steadily in January-April and August-October of every year. This is linked to a high dependence of economy on agriculture, massive import and emerging markets
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"Independence" of Moldovan economy
Iurie Gotisan, 31 August 2006
We should note from the very beginning that the economic independence of Moldova is still far from being real, even after 15 years of political independence. It is important to assess the initial conditions of economic reforms in order to paint a more detailed and ampler picture of the current economic deficiencies of Moldova
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Macroeconomic trends in 2006... and forecasts
Iurie Gotisan, 31 July 2006
The country's economy has grown by 6.2% in the first half of this year. This is a pretty strong growth, given the internal and external shocks faced by economy in the period concerned
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Farmers will have to look for other niches to export phytosanitary products
Iurie Gotisan, 30 June 2006
Chisinau and Moscow have failed a compromise at the recent negotiations on relief of exports of agricultural production to the Russian Federation. Although official statistics do not reveal the exact losses of Moldovan farmers, their consequences are negative however
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"Europe must not forget: gas is coming from East"!
Iurie Gotisan, 30 May 2006
Officials of Western Europe are testing different methods aimed to strengthen their positions in energy sector and to reduce the dependence on Russian energy resources, especially on natural gas, after the feud of many European governments, diplomats and entrepreneurs for formation and development of the energy map of Europe
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Therapy of International Monetary Fund
Iurie Gotisan, 15 May 2006
We will try to make a short incursion in the history of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from the very beginning and we think that this would be useful to our readers
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External deficits vs. deficit of economic stability
Iurie Gotisan, 28 April 2006
Everybody knows that the Moldovan economy is incapable to fight face to face with European economies. The trade deficit and current account deficit grow in a galloping pace every year, with analysts saying that this rise will continue the next years as well
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Wine crisis goes on...
Iurie Gotisan, 11 April 2006
Although the Russian Federation's actions regarding exportation of Moldova's wine production are delighted in the "sanitary-epidemic field", as many officials of Moscow claim, we consider that the definitive elimination of some alleged suspicions regarding respect for quality and technical standards by Moldovan producers and exporters will be possible only when Moldova will implement the internationally recognised standards
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Potential economic consequences of new customs regime
Iurie Gotisan, 14 March 2006
"Economic blockade" - a term that the Tiraspol administration uses with ostentation and bombast in its statements - is rather a self-blockade
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Betting on exchange rate
Iurie Gotisan, 1 March 2006
Beyond different figures unveiled by bankers, two words are often met in their commentaries on exchange rate that indicate a convergence of opinions
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Hedgehopping of Moldovan economy
Galina Selari, Anatol Gudim, 15 February 2006
While adapting to the "independence" and the market, already has been six years in a row (2000 - 2005) when Moldovan economy started show signs of growth, but neither government, nor business or population have any confidence in its sustainability
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Moldovan wines - between reality and statistics
Iurie Gotisan, 31 January 2006
The wine industry of Moldova is traditionally the strongest sector of national economy and unquestionably the branch that helped the country gain an international name | »»» |
Syntheses of 2005 and major financial uncertainties of 2006
Ion Basiul, 17 January 2006
Year 2005 was one of the most difficult and provocative years. It began with the signing of the Moldova-European Union Action Plan
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