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Legal Commentaries

Parliament Activity Review December 16-27, 2002
December 30, 2002
As usual at the end of the session Parliament examined quite a number of legal acts, trying to adopt the ones considered to be a priority or the ones due to enter in force at the end of the calendar year
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Parliament Activity Review December 9-13, 2002
December 16, 2002
The most important legal acts adopted by Parliament in the time period covered were the Law on Indemnifying Deposits in the Savings Bank and Law on Political Parties
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Parliament Activity Review December 2-6, 2002
December 9, 2002
Given that Transdnistrian problem was at issue at the OSCE Ministerial Conference, one of the Parliament's last week priorities was the President's initiative to inaugurate a new ministerial portfolio, namely Ministry of Territorial Integration
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Parliament Activity Review November 25-29, 2002
December 2, 2002
Law on Humanitarian Aid
Law on ratification of the Protocol to NIS Agreement on state tax for economic litigation
Resolution on overseeing the enforcement on the Law on Petitioning
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Parliament Activity Review November 18-22, 2002
November 25, 2002
During the said period the Parliament examined several legal acts pertaining to the electoral promises made by the Communist Party, namely amending the Constitution in view of allowing double citizenship; revising the retirement age and indemnification of the deposits at the Savings Bank
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Parliament Activity Review November 11-15, 2002
November 18, 2002
During the said period the Parliament examined several important pieces of legislation.
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Parliament Activity Review November 4-8, 2002
November 13, 2002
Parliament was very productive during the said period, it examined and adopted several legal acts, some of major importance for the society at large
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Parliament Activity Review October 28 - November 1, 2002
November 11, 2002
In the said period the Parliament proceeded to the examination of some very important draft laws, namely on the modification of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova
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Parliament Activity Review October 21-25, 2002
October 28, 2002
Last week the Parliament proceeded to the examination of the draft law on the state budget for the year 2003 and draft laws amending or completing the legal acts enforcing the state budget for the next year
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Parliament Activity Review October 14-18, 2002
October 21, 2002
During the time period covered in the commentary the Parliament convened on two brief sessions to examine several draft laws. It seems that the deputies are saving their forces for the upcoming hearing on the draft budget for 2003, which always is accompanied by hot debates
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Parliament Activity Review October 7-11, 2002
October 14, 2002
The Summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) held in Chisinau was the most important event of the last week. Regardless of the views on the Summit results one thing is clear the friendship between President Voronin and President Putin is not so strong now
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Parliament Activity Review September 30 - October 4, 2002
October 7, 2002
Two important events took place in October. On the one hand European Union established the terms for candidate countries to join EU and on the other hand CIS summit held in Chisinau
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The first Parliament siting in the fall-winter session
September 30, 2002
On September 26, the fall-winter session of the Parliament commenced. As usual, Parliament Chairperson inaugurated the session. Noteworthy, after Presidents' call to intensify efforts of European integration the Parliament Chair also made reference in her inauguration speech to the need of establishing favorable conditions for Republic of Moldova integration in the European Union
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Overview of the Parliament activity in the spring-summer 2002 session
September 9, 2002
The spring-summers session of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova started in February 2002, at the time the protest rallies staged by the Christian-Democrats were gaining grounds. The protest rallies in Chisinau determined PACE to examine how authorities of the Republic of Moldova observe the democratic principles and the provisions provided for in the Memoranda signed by Moldova with international monetary institutions
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Parliament Activity Review July 22-26, 2002
August 6, 2002
In the mentioned period the Parliament agenda included more than 30 legislative acts, some of which of extreme importance to the country. None of the acts was examined in a single reading; all of them were adopted in the final reading
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Parliament Activity Review July 15-19, 2002
July 22, 2002
In the time period covered by the report the most interesting debates were generated not by the legislative acts, but rather by reports on the enforcement of previously passed legal acts
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Parliament Activity Review July 8-12, 2002
July 17, 2002
The Parliament was very prolific in the time period covered by the comment, one of its major achievements being the adoption of the Law on Cults. Another important event of the week was deputy Valeriu Plesca's refusal to return from his official visit in Brussels. The deputy stated that "unless Government stops persecuting him and his family he wouldn't return back"
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Parliament Activity Review July 1-5, 2002
July 5, 2002
The period covered by this report was relatively calm, and this because Council of Europe resolution has taken the central stage again. The governing is taking measures to meet in due time the requirements set forth in the resolution, whereas opposition is monitoring them
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Parliament Activity Review June 24-28, 2002
July 1, 2002
During the time covered by the commentary, Moldovan deputies managed to examine and adopt a series of very important laws. We should consider some of those as follows
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Parliament Activity Review June 17-21, 2002
June 26, 2002
Last week was characterized by an offensive in mass media; especially the one controlled by the opposition parties, against the governing party, the latter being accused of protectionism. The offensive has resumed this week, but this time the target being Prime-Minister Vasile Tarlev
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Parliament Activity Review June 10-14, 2002
June 17, 2002
During the time period covered by this commentary, the opposition parties boycotted the vote on several important pieces of legislation. At the same time they were extremely active during the session reserved for Q&A. During the latter they made several accusations to the governing party, which were later on circulated in the newspapers controlled by them
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Parliament Activity Review May 27 - June 7, 2002
June 10, 2002
During the time covered by this commentary several important acts were developed and adopted. We would closely consider some of them
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Parliament Activity Review April 29 - May 8, 2002
May 15, 2002
During the said period the Parliament focussed on the priorities set by the Government. The Parliament examined the draft laws, which were set by the international organizations as a condition for resuming funding and even adopted some of them in the final reading
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Parliament Activity Review 22-26 April, 2002
April 29, 2002
Last week public attention was focussed on Strasbourg, where Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly debated on the report "Functioning of Democratic Institutions in the Republic of Moldova", presented by the rapporteurs on our country after their recent visit to our country. The Resolution was much debated both within the special commission as well as during plenary session
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Parliament Activity Review 8-19 April, 2002
April 22, 2002
Political crisis triggered three months ago is currently entered the long-term negotiation stage and is unfolding not on the Chisinau streets but rather at the Council of Europe, Parliament offices and TV and Radio stations
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Parliament Activity Review 1-5 April, 2002
April 8, 2002
Upon the expiration of the time allotted by the protestors to authorities for their resignation, the organizers of the protest rallies decided to change the location of protests. The tent town moved in front of the Presidency and Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
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Parliament Activity Review 18-22 March, 2002
April 2, 2002
During the week, only one plenary session of the Parliament was held, which was probably the longest one in the history of the Parliament elected in the 2001 parliamentary elections. It took deputies 3 hours of legislative activity and about the same time for debating on the political situation, namely Parliament Appeal to the Citizens of the Country with regard to the Great National Assembly
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Parliament Activity Review 18-22 March, 2002
March 25, 2002
On March 20, one year passed since the first session of the XV legislature Parliament and of the Communist governing
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Parliament Activity Review 11-15 March, 2002
March 18, 2002
On March 15, a group of young people protested in front of the Parliament against authorities' intention to lift the parliamentary immunity of PPCD deputies. The session of the Judicial Commission of the Parliament, supposed to rule in this respect, was adjourned until the flaws pointed by PPCD deputies would be eliminated
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Parliament Activity Review 4-8 March, 2002
March 11, 2002
In this time period the Parliament took a stance on the latest events related to the political crisis the society is undergoing. Thus, during its March 7 session at issues was the reformation of the "Teleradio-Moldova" State Company
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Parliament Activity Review 25-28 February, 2002
March 5, 2002
Despite the current political crisis, Parliaments' spring session has been quite efficient. In the absence of the Christian-democrats the Parliament majority continues the examination of the drafts included in the agenda. During this time period only one Parliament plenary session was held to examine several draft laws of special importance
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Administrative-territorial reform
February 25, 2002
The laws passed at the end of 2002, amended and modified during the first spring Parliament session, recently have been in the spotlight of public attention. Given the fact that the Constitutional Court outlawed Parliament resolution on the early general local elections, local public administration bodies elected in 1999 will continue to exercise their mandates | »»» |
The activity of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in the autumn-winter session 2001
January 15, 2002
Both the President of the country and the Chair of the Parliament have publicly evaluated the activity of the XVth legislature Parliament. The President expressed his satisfaction with the legislative body activity, which "started to meet the voters' expectations and recover its prestige which seemed to be lost forever" | »»» |
