Legal Commentaries

Strategic consensus vs opposition regarding governing mode
Sergiu Grossu, 22 November, 2005
"National consensus" envisages only strategic problems for Moldova - European integration, settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and democratisation of society
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Parliamentary Imunodeficitar Syndrome
Sergiu Grosu, 25 October 2005
The Communist majority faction, with the votes of 54 lawmakers, gave green light on October 13 to requests of prosecutor-general to try a group of deputies who represent the opposition faction of the Alliance Our Moldova (AMN), including leader Serafim Urechean, under Penal Code
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Noisy start of parliamentary session
Sergiu Grosu, 11 October 2005
The parliament started the second annual session on October 6 after a vacation of more than two months | »»» |
Activity of the Parliament within the first session
Sergiu Grosu, 12 September 2005
An overview of legislative activity. Priorities and tendencies for the future | »»» |
Activity of the Parliament on July 18-22, 2005
27 July 2005
Decision on approval of strategic directions of science and innovation for 2006-2010. Draft law on enterprise Orasul Vinului. Draft law on awarding of status of national cultural heritage to goods of the wine plant Milestii Mici. Draft law on amending the 2005 state budget. Draft law on amending 2005 state social insurance budget.
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Activity of the Parliament on July 11-15, 2005
15 July 2005
Draft law on modification and completion of legislative documents on budgetary-fiscal policy and fiscal management for 2006. Draft law on modification and completion of legislative documents on importation of transports. Decision on execution of the state budget for 2004.
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Activity of the Parliament on June 20-30, 2005
5 July 2005
Law on Ratification of Protocol 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Law on Modification of the Education Law. Law on Amendment of the Penal Code. Draft law on modification and completion of the Code on Administrative Contraventions. Draft law on insurance of equal chances to women and men.
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Activity of the Parliament on June 6-10, 2005
13 June 2005
Resolution of the Parliament on Ukrainian Plan on Settlement of the Transnistrian Conflict. Law on Ecological Agriculture. Draft law on prevention and struggle against trafficking in human beings.
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Activity of the Parliament on May 30 - June 3, 2005
9 June 2005
Law on Botanical Gardens. Law on Granting Facilities to Residents of Transdnistrian Region. Law on Amendment of the Code on Administrative Contraventions. Law on Granting Labor Inspection the Right to Administrative Sanctioning. Draft law on introduction of state allocations for persons who take care of blind invalids.
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Activity of the Parliament on May 23-27, 2005
31 May 2005
Law on the Modification and Completion of the Law on Employment and Social Security of the Unemployed. Law on Modification and Completion of the Law on the Status of Refugees. Resolution on granting "Valea Morilor" park in Chisinau the status of monument of architecture. Resolution on abolishing sanctions on prostitution. Draft law on modification of the Criminal Code and new regulations on torture.
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Activity of the Parliament on May 9-13, 2005
24 May 2005
Law on Ratification of the Credit Agreement of the Council of Europe's Bank for Development. Law on Amendment and Completion of the Law on Normative Price and Sale-purchase of Land. Law on Exemption of Sale of Agricultural Fields for construction of the Revaca-Cainari Railway Portion from Income Taxes. Law on Amendment and Completion of the Legislation on Social Protection of Job Seekers. Law on Amendment of the Law on Electricity. Draft law on botanical gardens.
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Activity of the Parliament on May 2-6, 2005
12 May 2005
Laws on amendment of the education law. Law on annulment of penalties and interest rates of the enterprise Combustibil Solid.
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Activity of the Parliament on April 25-29, 2005
5 May 2005
The leasing law. The law for modification of the law on investment funds. The law for modification and completion of the law on securities market. Law on importation of equipment for construction of energy plants under preferential conditions. The law for modification and completion of the Code on Administrative Contraventions.
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Activity of the Parliament on April 18-22, 2005
28 April 2005
Law for modification of the Penal Code. Draft law on status of military. Draft law for modification of legislative documents on empowerment of the Labour Inspection with sanctioning rights and competences. Draft law on higher sanctions for violation of legislation on sale of alcohol production.
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Activity of the Parliament on April 11-15, 2005
20 April 2005
Law for amendment of the law on executive. Law on live broadcast of plenary sittings of the Parliament. International documents on activity of GUUAM. Draft law on ecological agriculture. Title VIII of the Fiscal Code: "Taxes for natural resources".
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Beginning of activity of the 16th legislature
11 April 2005
Decision on competences of parliamentary commissions. Parliament's decision on approval of the regulation on management of money from the vine growing sustenance fund and means used for administration of state-owned trademarks. Law on amendment and completion of the Fiscal Code. Draft law on leasing.
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